Tom Jeannette was elected Chairman

Tom Jeannette was elected Chairman for the year of the great Sammy Miller visit. Sammy conducted a school July 27 and of course, won the trial on July 28. The fact that Sammy Miller rode a M.O.T.A. trial was and has been an immense prestige boost and inspiration to all those in M.O.T.A. His inspiration tended to align the Association goals toward providing a system through which internationally competitive riders might develop. Further rule changes were made to adopt a new scoring system of 1,2,3,5 and a score card system discussed.

This was a year of further growth and organization. The Red Wings M/C was admitted to M.O.T.A. and to give a mark of unity, a shoulder patch was developed. As an aid to handling the increasingly burdensome task of addressing, mailing equipment was purchased at the year’s end.

Michigan Ontario Trials Association
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