Dave Sigafoos was elected Chairman as M.O.T.A. entered its fifteenth year.

Dave Sigafoos was elected Chairman as M.O.T.A. entered its fifteenth year. Two new positions were added to M.O.T.A.’s governing body of Executive Officers: Vice-Chairman and N.A.T.C. Representative. In an effort to increase our declining number of riders, Dave initiated a drive among member clubs to contact former active riders to try to rekindle their interest in the sport. In addition, with hopes of recruiting new riders, M.O.T.A. sponsored a two-day Elliot Schultz Trials School near Ann Arbor in April. Mid-year M.O.T.A. members were saddened when they lost their Chairman. Despite his long, hard battle, Dave succumbed to illness he no longer had the strength to handle. Dave’s presence will be missed, not only as a friend, but for the dedication and commitment he brought to our organization and to the sport of Observed Trials. Les Rutledge, appointed by Dave as his Vice-Chairman, with quiet strength and determination, stepped into the Chairmanship, and guided M.O.T.A. through the remainder of the year. His steady influence was felt by all as he addressed the many problems with which he was confronted. From April through October, a total of sixteen (16) events were held. The 1981 season drew to a close with the hope that our financial situation would improve in 1982, so that M.O.T.A. could again host a National in 1983.

Michigan Ontario Trials Association
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