Mike Perrera was elected M.O.T.A. Chairman

Mike Perrera was elected M.O.T.A. Chairman. Goals for 1982 were to get our organization on a fiscally sound basis, and to actively recruit more rider participation.

The January Annual Awards Banquet, held at the K of C Hall, Farmington, was a success, thanks to the efforts of Chairperson, Diane Walsh, who handled the job for the umpteenth time!! M.O.T.A.’s top fifteen (15) riders were honored, as well as top observers. Bob Hopkins was awarded a framed drawing of himself done by M.O.T.A. artist, Rod Lloyd, to commemorate his tenth consecutive year of earning the Number One position in M.O.T.A.

New class structure was set up on the hope of helping all riders gain skill and experience before being promoted. A Novice B class was added to accommodate newly promoted Y/PP, Enduro, and trail bike riders, and beginning trial bikers, with easier routes on the Novice course. Novice A rode the harder routes on the Novice course. Sportsman class was limited to Senior riders, 35 or older or female, who chose to ride it. The Championship Senior course now offered two options to the Senior riders; they could choose to ride for Championship points on the Championship routes with the Experts, or ride the challenging, but easier routes in the sections.

The promotion system for riders from Junior through the Intermediate class was changed to a percentage basis, determined by the number of riders finishing in each class.

The end of the 1982 riding season found a new rider in the Number One position, the first time in eleven years, Gary Wilkerson.

Year-long planning and countless hours of hard work and effort expended by Gary and Chairman Mike paid off in December when M.O.T.A. was named to host a 1983 National round.

Michigan Ontario Trials Association
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